Stores computed information about the physics engine state.
_changeCount: number
Number of changes in the engine from the initial load state.
_computed?: Object
Object storing computed physics information.
_locked: boolean
Whether or not the engine is in a locked state.
_target?: Object
The next target for the engine.
linesList: List.<LineBase>
List of line base objects that are used to compute track physics.
props: Object
Properties about how the engine functions.
start: { position: V2, velocity: V2 }
Start properties for the rider.
state: EngineState
State properties related to the editor.
Engine State
Current state of the engine.
activeLayerId: number
List of line base objects that are used to compute track physics.
layers: List.<Layer>
Properties about how the engine functions.
lines: List.<Line>
Start properties for the rider.
riders: List.<Rider>
State properties related to the editor.