Derived From

Stores data indicating where a track originated from.


creator: string
Creator of the target track.

title: string
Title of the target track.

version: "6.1" | "6.2"
Physics version of the target track.

Cloud Info

Information about a cloud save.


derivativeKey: string
Hash related to the track derivation.

derivedFrom: DerivedFrom
Where the track derived from.

masterKey: string
Hash for the overall cloud save.

saveTime: number
When the track was saved.

trackId: number
Id of the track in the save database.

versionTitle: string
What version the track originates from.

versionId: string
Id of the version the track originates from.

Cloud Save

Data needed to save tracks to the cloud.


cloudInfo: CloudInfo
Information about the cloud save.

details: TrackDetails
Details about the track being saved.


Progress for saving, loading, and autosaving threads.


error?: string
Error that ocurred in the save/load process.

percent?: true | number
How far along the save/load process is.

status?: boolean
Whether or not the save/load was completed.