
Full track data.


audio?: AudioDataFragment
Information about the audio file.

creator?: string
Creator of the track.

description?: string
Description of the track.

duration?: number
Duration of the track.

label?: string
Title of the track.

layers?: Layer[]
Array of track layers.

lines?: Line[]
Array of track lines.

riders?: Rider[]
Array of track riders.

script?: string
Track script.

startPosition?: V2
Start position of the track.

version: "6.1" | "6.2"
Physics version of the track.

viewOnly?: boolean
Whether the track is editable.

Track Save

Partial track data used for saving.


audio?: AudioDataFragment
Information about the audio file.

layers?: Layer[]
Array of track layers.

lines?: Line[]
Array of track lines.

riders?: Rider[]
Array of track riders.

script?: string
Track script.

version: "6.1" | "6.2"
Physics version of the track.