Layer Automation Triggers

Creates an automated layer function based on layer ids and frame indices.


getLayerVisibleAtTime = (id, ind) => {}



A number describing the id of the layer to show/hide. The parameter itself is not based on the index of the layer in the layer array.


A number describing which frame is being checked.


A boolean indicating whether the layer of the specified id should be visible at the specified index.


Shows layer 1 after 1 second and toggles layer 2 every 5 frames.

getLayerVisibleAtTime = (id, ind) => {
  /** Boilerplate to convert layer id to index */
  if (!window.idToIndex) { 
    window.idToIndex = []

    const getSimulatorTrack = (state) => state.simulator.engine
    const getTrackLayers = (state) => getSimulatorTrack(state).engine.state.layers

    for (let [i, layer] of [
    ].entries()) {
      window.idToIndex[] = i
  id = window.idToIndex[id]
  /** End of boilerplate */

  if(id === 1) {
    return ind > 40

  if(id === 2) {
    return ind % 10 < 5

  return true;