Offline Cache Fix

Version 1938.0 introduced a bug that prevents users from updating to later versions. Below are the steps to update to the latest version, at the cost of disabling offline mode. There are plans to reimplement this feature at some point in the future.


1) Open the developer console with Ctrl + Shift + I.

2) Navigate to the “Application” tab in the tab list.

The tabs dropdown in the developer console

3) Find the “Cache storage” tab under the “Storage” section.

The application storage section with the cache storage highlighted

4) If there are any caches listed, right click on them and press “Delete”.

The list of cached versions with the delete prompt open

5) Switch to the “Service workers” tab under the “Application” section.

The application properties section with the service workers highlighted

6) If there is a service worker listed, press “Unregister”.

The service workers page with the unregister button highlighted

7) Reloading the page should now update the site to the latest version.